What we've completed ⬇️

Township Improvements

Council Lobbying and/or grant funding

Purchase and landscaping of Heritage Park, including playground and rotunda

Streetscaping & Wooden Statues

Educational Bike Track in Heritage Park with funding from Bendigo Bank.

Signage updates around town to attractions & removal of redundant signs

Wheel Stops in Church St parking bays

Footpath for Arve Road

Mural on Public Toilet walls

Footbridge for Kermandie River Road & Huon Highway,  across the Kermandie River (in progress)

Signage prior to Scotts Road directing traffic south via Geeveston​ (in progress)

Events (current & past)

Wheels in the Park car and bike show​. Held annually since 2013, it is now one of the premier car shows in Tasmania.

Annual Art Show

Twilight Feast presence

Community Projects (current & past)

Recovery Fund to support our local fire brigade

Creation and financing of Geeveston Cares, and ongoing fundraising  

Establishment of annual Community Grants

Support local community groups with fundraising

Geeveston Promotion (current & past)

Township Website

Social Media 

Ads in Pristine South

Television Advertising

Wheels in the Park Car & Bike Show

A description of an effort and why it matters  

Educational Bike Track in Heritage Park

A description of an effort and why it matters  

Public Toilets Mural

A description of an effort and why it matters  

New Art for Gateway Poles

A description of an effort and why it matters  


Replace Bandstand in Heritage Park

A description of an effort and why it matters  

A description of an effort and why it matters