What we're currently working on ⬇️

You're invited to be involved

There is no shortage of opportunities to develop as well as hands-on maintenance to attend to. 

Keep your skills current or stretch yourself to learn new ones 🙂

Mid to late April.

Check the Geeveston Art Show website for the latest information.  

We hold a Live Blues Night on the last Friday of most months.

Check the Lightwood Bottom Blues Club website for up to date information

Wheels In The Park

Our next event is on Sunday, 2 February 2025.

Did you know that the GPA purchased this cemetery for $1 from the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania?

New Art for Gateway Poles

GPS navigation advises tourists to bypass Geeveston by going down Scotts Road. We want to grab their attention visually to entice them to our town.

Gardening Group

Meet Kirsty Holmes at the Visitor Centre at 10:00 am on Wednesdays. Coffee afterwards

Town Centre Revamp

More seating

Tidy Gardens

More street appeal

A description of an effort and why it matters  


Contact Marlowe at GeevestonPA.secretary@gmail.com