Geeveston Progress Association

Working to make Geeveston a better place to live, work, & visit.

After discussions with the current president, Gerry Waneck, and with the response from members showing no clear preference for one month over another, he has indicated his preference for the AGM to be held on Thursday, 15 August 2024 at 6:30. The venue will be at GeCo, unless otherwise advised with at least 2 weeks notice.

There will be no general meeting prior to the AGM, but there will be one afterwards, led by the new position holders.

All positions will be declared vacant, and financial members are eligible to nominate for any of the four executive positions (president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary) or to be one of the four  ordinary committee members.

Unfortunately, proxy votes are not part of our constitution, so if you are unable to attend, you will not be able to vote.

However, you can nominate yourself for any position in absentia if you can't attend the AGM, if you let me know in advance, preferably in writing, to include you in the nominations for the position(s) you indicate.

At the AGM on 20 July 2023, Gerry Waneck was installed as the new President, and Harnam Thandi as the Vice-President.

Gerry will also continue on as Treasurer.

Marlowe continues on as Secretary and Public Officer.

Our Committee Members are:

Vicki Evans

Trish Tinkler

Kirsty Holmes

Robert Orr

Our purpose is to initiate or be involved in activities which help Geeveston to be:

Our activities may include, but are not limited to: 

To help achieve these aims, we hold regular events, including: 

art shows, blues music nights, car & bike shows.

The area we take under our wing goes from Castle Forbes Bay to Surges Bay, and is known as the Greater Geeveston Area. This is the area that was previously the Municipality of Esperance, which was administered from the Geeveston Town Hall, until it was incorporated into the Huon Valley Council in 1993, along with other regional municipalities.

Port Huon currently has its own Progress Association even though Geeveston considers Port Huon as one of its suburbs. 😉 

The Geeveston Progress Association has been active in the community, in one form or another, for over 100 years. Historic details of past members and projects are archived in locations unknown.

Bringing information online means we have only a limited retrospective scope.

If you'd like to join us in progressing Geeveston as a vibrant community, it's easy to become a member.


Contact Marlowe at to get more information