Become Involved
Volunteers are the lifeblood of small towns, and it’s a great way to find out about your new community, make new friends, or catch up with old friends.
We’d love to hear from you if you’re willing to help out with:
keeping your section of the street free from rubbish
hanging up some artwork for our art show
setting up and taking down gazebo’s, directing entrant’s vehicles, collecting donations at our car show (this is a big day, so it’s all hands on deck!)
coming to meetings, getting involved in our projects or organising committees.
making things happen.
The truth is, we prefer quality of membership to quantity. We value self-starters and those who are willing to give things a go.
Respectfully, avoid falling into a pattern of telling us what we should do and how we should do it. Instead, ask:
"What can I do to help?" Or,
"Would you like me to lead with this idea I'm suggesting? Show me where to begin and what the process is." Or,
"I'm really good with [whatever]. Is this useful for any of your projects?" Or,
"I'm willing to learn how to do [whatever] if that would help."
So if you are willing to put your shoulder to the wheel to bring your ideas into fruition, you're more likely to see it happen. We have a good core of members who have created a solid reputation for the Geeveston Progress Association as a group that consistently punches above its weight.